Amonche Shea Butter Cream

Amonche Shea Butter Cream

Amonche Shea Butter Cream
Item# M-P174
Availability: not set

Product Description

This Amonche Cream is a natural cream that will moisturize your skin with shea butter, pure honey, aloe vera, lime juice, and lemon juice. These ingredients are known to help relieve skin problems such as eczema, acne, fine line wrinkles, stretch marks, and more. If you love Amonche Black Soap, then you'll love Amonche Cream! 4 oz jar; contains fragrance. M-P174

Due to a vendor error, some labels on these state they are 1oz but all are 4oz and have 4oz worth of cream inside.

Shelf life: 18 months

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